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SkyRC 6X80+ 80W 220V/12V Computer-oplader Blue

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Produkt information

Brugervenlig multilader
Indbygget batterimåler, servotest og omdrejningstest
Dette er en computer-oplader, som dækker de fleste opladningsbehov. Den har en maksimal effekt på 80W ved 12V input og 50W ved 220V input og kan lade med maksimalt 10A. Det specielle ved denne oplader er, at den har indbygget Bluetooth, og dermed kan man styre opladningen fra telefonen og indhente alle mulige informationer fra batteriet i displayet på telefonen. Opladeren har også flere indbyggede funktioner som batterimåler, servotester, motor-rpm-tester osv.

Dette er en god multi-oplader, som kan oplade LiPo, LiFe, LiIon, NiHm, NiCd og Pb batterier. Opladeren kan både bruge 12V og 220V som indgående kilde, så denne oplader vil kunne bruges både i marken på et bilbatteri og i hobbyrummet sat direkte i et stik i væggen. Opladeren har en maksimal ladestyrke på 80W ved brug af 12V input, så et 2cell LiPo kan altså oplades på ca. 10A, mens 3cell LiPo kan lades på ca 7A. Et 6cell LiPo på 3,2A. Ved 220V input er de respektive maksimale ladestyrker for 2,3 og 6S LiPo 7,6A, 4,5A og 2A.

Der medfølger et multi afbalanceringsbræt, ledninger og stik til tilkobling til 220/12V. Se nedenfor vedrørende anbefalede ladekabler.

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Vigtig info!
Husk, at ved opladning af LiPo batterier skal man for at opnå fuld afbalancering af pakken tilkoble begge kontakterne fra batteriet og vælge LiPo Balance programmet, ikke LiPo Charge.

Indspænding AC/DC:100-240V/11-18V
Effekt AC/DC:80W/50W
Antal celler LiPo:1-6S
Antal celler NiMH:1-15S
Product details in english
  • AC Input: 100-240Volt
  • DC Input: 11-18Volt
  • Circuit Power: Max. Charge Power 80W/AC - 50W/DC
  • Max. Discharge Power 8W
  • Charge Current Range: 0.1-10.0A
  • Discharge Current Range: 0.1-5.0A
  • Current Drain For Balancing LiPo: 200mA/cell
  • NiCd/NiMH Battery Cell Count: 1-15Cells
  • LiPo/LiFe/Lilon Cell Count: 1-6Cells
  • Pb battery voltage: 2-20V
  • Net Weight: 525g
  • Dimension: 135x112x60.9mm

  • Optimized operating software
    SKYRC 6x80 Plus features the so-called AUTO function that set the feeding current during the process of charging or discharging. Especially for lithium batteries, it can prevent the overcharging which may lead to an explosion due to the users fault. It can disconnect the circuit automatically and alarm once detecting any malfunction. All the programs of this product were controlled through two way linkage and communication, to achieve the maximum safety and minimize the trouble. All the settings can be configured by users!

    Internal Independent Lithium Battery Balancer
    SKYRC 6x80 Plus employs an individual-cell-voltage balancer. It isnt necessary to connect an external balancer for balance charging.

    Balancing Individual Cells Battery Discharging
    During the process of discharging, SKYRC 6x80 Plus can monitor and balance each cell of the battery individually. Error message will be indicated and the process will be ended automatically if the voltage of any single one cell is abnormal.

    Adaptable to Various Type of Lithium Battery
    SKYRC 6x80 Plus is adaptable to various types of lithium batteries, such as LiPo, LiIon and the new LiFe series of batteries.

    Fast and Storage Mode of Lithium Battery
    Purposes to charge lithium battery varies, fast charge reduce the duration of charging, whereas store state can control the final voltage of your battery, so as to store for a long time and protect useful time of the battery.

    Cyclic Charging/Discharging
    1 to 5 cyclic and continuous process of charge>discharge or discharge > charge is operable for battery refreshing and balancing to stimulate the batterys activity.

    Data Store/Load
    The charger can store up to 10 different charge/discharge profiles for your convenience. You can keep the data pertaining to program setting of the battery of continuous charging or discharging. Users can call out these data at any time without any special program setting.

    Terminal Voltage Control(TVC)
    The charger allows user to change the end voltage.

    Lipo Battery Meter
    The user can check batterys total voltage, the highest voltage, the lowest voltage and each cells voltage.

    Motor RPM Tester
    Users connect the sensor motor and charger with sensor wire, set the pulse width and test the RPM of the motor.

    Servo Tester
    Connect the servo and the charger with wire, change the pulse width value and check whether the servo works or not.

    Re-Peak Mode of NiMH/NiCd Battery
    In re-peak charge mode, the charger can peak charge the battery once, twice or three times in a row automatically. This is good for making certain the battery is fully charged, and for checking how well the battery receives fast charges.

    Delta-peak Sensitivity for NiMH/NiCd
    Delta-peak sensitivity for NiMH/NiCd battery: The automatic charge termination program based on the principle of the Delta-peak voltage detection. When the batterys voltage exceeds the threshold, the process will be terminated automatically.

    Automatic Charging Current Limit
    You can set up the upper limit of the charging current when charging your NiMH or NiCd battery, it is useful for the NiMH battery of low impedance and capacity in the AUTO charging mode.

    Capacity Limit
    The charging capacity is always calculated as the charging current multiplied by time. If the charging capacity exceeds the limit, the process will be terminated automatically when you set the maximum value.

    Temperature Threshold
    The batterys internal chemical reaction will cause the temperature of the battery to rise. If the temperature limit is reached, the process will be terminated. ( temp sensor is optional )

    Processing Time Limit
    You can also limit the maximum process time to avoid any possible defect.

    PC Control Software -Charge Master-
    The free Charge Master software gives you unparalleled ability to operate the charger through the computer. You can monitor pack voltage, cell voltage and other data during the charging, view charge date in real-time graphs. And you can initiate, control charging and update firmware from Charge Master. This function is available by connecting optional temperature probe, which is not included in the package.

    APPS for Smart Phone (both iOS and Android)
    Finally, your charger gets its own apps. This charger can be controlled and operated by smart phones.
    Mere info på engelsk

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    5 av 6
    Bruger har kun givet karakter
    08.05.2014 af CHRISTIAN
    Kort range på bluthoot trekker ned litt,bra app der man kan lage ferdige lade programmer. Følger med ett meget bra ladebrett. Terningkast 5
    Dette hjalp mig 5
    SkyRC Kvalitetslader!
    Bruger har kun givet karakter
    25.10.2014 af LARS-ANDRE
    Kjøpte denne når jeg handlet min første rc bil hos elefun, det var egentlig på grunn av tilbakemeldingene dette produktet hadde fått fra andre kjøpere. Og kan si meg enig i at dette er en meget flott lader, som har mange forskjellige funksjoner! Den er enkel og betjene og kan lett overvåkes via pc eller en mobil app. Skal du ha en rimelig og god lader? Kjøp denne uten og angre etterpå! :)
    Dette hjalp mig 3
    Imonerande :-)
    Bruger har kun givet karakter
    07.12.2013 af JAN MARTIN
    let å bruke.. Men ein del å setta seg inn i då... Teststasjon for div. Lit lite kabler med, men det har jo Elfun ei god side for å bestille :-)
    Dette hjalp mig 5 3
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